Collaboration is the act of working together.
The Greek word, koinonea, refers to relationships of inter-dependence, of synergy, of collective wisdom.
Today, Collaboration happens in partnerships, team work, friendship, conversation, committees and everyday shared endeavors.
InSpiritry leads us to connect with the efforts of others and to offer our help to those who share our passions to make the world a better place.
Collaboration is based on respect and admiration, as we invite the synergy of people working in harmony.
Be open to the Power of Synergy.
Honor your own Abilities and those of others as well.
Recognize the value of others' Perspectives.
Resist the Need to get Credit for your Efforts.
Listen Intentionally to Others...and Learn.
Share your Ideas Openly.
Explore the Potential of Everyone You Know.
Invite Others into your Endeavors.
Embrace the Joy of Diversity.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Helen Keller
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. Napoleon Hill
Believe. Belong. Become.
The Magic (and Power) of Syngery
Keep the World Weird - How Difference Makes Us Better
Contact Anne McCrady to bring InSpiritry to your next event or endeavor!